What's included
22 live meetings
16 hrs 30 mins in-class hoursClass Experience
Prerequisites: This course requires completion of Right Start math Level A 1-52 This curriculum starts from the ground up building math concepts. Students should be able to stay near the computer 45 minutes. Students should be able to follow 1 and 2 step directions. Curriculum information: I will be teaching the award-winning Right Start Math Level A Second Edition. This curriculum has a very different approach to learning math, based on the research conducted by Dr. Cotter who studied the difference between traditional US math curriculums and those of high achieving Asian countries. Counting is deemphasized in favor of teaching children to visual numbers for example instead counting 1,2,3 students are encouraged to look and see that 3 has a middle. Most of the learning occurs using carefully selected manipulatives and games, including a specially designed abacus that helps with visualizing quantities. There is a minimal number of worksheet. This curriculum in great for active and kinesthetic learners. For more information about the curriculum go to https://rightstartmath.com/our-curriculum/the-rightstart-difference/. Class Format: Classes will be held twice a week (Monday’s and Thursday’s). Sessions are 45 minutes. Individual students who may struggle to stay focused can work out an plan with me to help them build endurance to succeed. Monday’s Classes will start with song or active warm up activity. Students will be introduced to the key concepts for that week of lessons using a variety of interactive activity and games. Some of the activities will require physical materials in their home and other activities will make use of web based interactive manipulatives. Most of the time the last 5-10 minutes of class the students will play a game together! After class homework (activities or worksheets from the curriculum) will be assigned for the week and I will reach out to individual families if a child needs to focus on a particular aspect more closely. Thursday’s Class will again start with a song or movement-based activity. I will review content that students struggled with on Monday as well as feedback from families during the week and cover any additional topics that are needed. Class will end with a math game. Grades/Scores: I will not assign grades. However, at parents request I can schedule an individual time to complete assessments and tutor students individually (these are a separate and the cost is not included in the cost of this course). Parents will have all the materials to score and assess the students in the books that are required. Classroom rules: 1. Respect everyone and everything, with your words, and actions. 2. Come prepared with items needed for class. (List will be sent Sunday). 3. I need to see the student face at least at the beginning of class, if the student turns off the video the student needs to answer questions in another way. 4. Students should keep themselves muted unless they are speaking. If students need help muting or unmuting themselves, I will help them. 5. Students must have their own copies of the curriculum.
Learning Goals
Students will complete lessons 55-98 of Right Start Math second edition Level A. The last session ended of lesson 52 lessons 53 or 54 are assessments. Weeks 1-13 are in previous quarters.
Topics that will be covered include, exact number of lessons is subject to change
Week 14: 55-58 Jan 4-8
Counting to 30, Counting by 2’s Adding tally marks, doubles, halves,
Week 15: 59-62 Jan 11-15
Counting to 40, Count by 2 to 30, addition problems, adding doubles with numbers, completing equations, finding pairs.
Week 16: 63-66 Jan 18-22
Halves on the abacus, Go to the Dump game, counting days and months, partitioning 5 and 10, counting with tally marks
Weeks 17: 67-70 Jan 25-29
Equations for partitioning 10, find the missing part, building tens and ones, can you find game, arranging months in order
Week 18: 71-74 Feb 1-5
One hundred, al abacus tiles, word problems, Old Main game, adding tens and ones,
Week 19: 75-78 Feb 8-12
Making thousands triangle, building a thousand abacus, partitioning 50,
Week 20: 79-82 Feb 15-19
Counting dimes, counting by ten’s to 200, recording the numbers, teens booklet
Week 21: 83-86 Feb 22-26
Adding on the abacus, entering quantities on abacus, adding on the math balance, part whole problems.
Week 22: 87-90 March 1-5
Counting by 2’s, adding 2, introducing calculator, add one or two game
Week 23: 91-94 March 8-12
Geometric solids, counting faces, partitioning teens, dozens
Week 24: 95-98 March 15-19
Introducing subtraction, subtraction going up, subtraction going down, comparing addition and subtraction, ten minus game
Other Details
Parental Guidance
This curriculum approaches math different and can be confusing to adults used to thinking in more traditional ways. Please reach out if a section or concept isn’t making sense so that I can help you help, your child. I will be willing to email or make a video to help you reframe your thinking!
Supply List
Suggested: Right Start Math Level A Book Bundle and RS2 Math set RightStart Math Level A bundle: https://rightstartmath.idevaffiliate.com/idevaffiliate.php?id=173&url=208 Full RightStart Math kit https://rightstartmath.idevaffiliate.com/idevaffiliate.php?id=173&url=216Required: Right Start Math Level A Lessons 2nd edition Right Start Math Level A workbook 2nd edition (per student) Yellow is the Sun book and CD Al Abacus (per student) Al abacus tiles Geoboard and rubber bands 1in tiles Place Value cards Coins Math balance Dry erase board and dry erase marker (per student) Casio SL-450L calculator Geometrics solids (cone, sphere, cylinder, rectangular prism, cube, hexagonal prism)
External Resources
Learners will not need to use any apps or websites beyond the standard Outschool tools.
I create students accounts for students at education.com and splashlearning.com. Using these outside of class is completely optional.
Teacher expertise and credentials
I am a certified elementary/ special education teacher who is homeschooling her own children ages 5 and 9. I strongly believe that not all children learn the same way. So there needs to be a variety of resources, methods and approaches to teach them with. I found the Right Start Curriculum when I was teaching middle and high school life skills and multiple disability support. I implemented it with students who still were not able to count past 5. This curriculum taught some them in a way that they could succeed while they still couldn’t always count to 10 they could see, add and subtract up 10. When I pulled my daughter out of a brick and mortar school to home school, I put my daughter into this curriculum. She has now gone through 3 levels of it.
Disclosure: I am a RightStart Math affiliate so if you buy from the links on this page I do get a commission
Live Group Class
for 22 classes2x per week, 11 weeks
45 min
Completed by 2 learners
Live video meetings
Ages: 5-7
3-4 learners per class