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Introduction to Python: Build a Number Guessing Game

Introduce your child to programming with this beginner-friendly Python class! Students aged 10-17 will learn to set up their development environment and create an interactive Number Guessing Game, guided by experienced instructor Ben Blood.

Class Experience

  • In this class, students will learn: • Software Installation and Setup: How to download, install, and set up Python and an IDE. • Basic Python Syntax: Understanding variables, data types, and simple input/output operations in Python. • Interactive Coding: Writing a simple Number Guessing Game, using loops, conditionals, and handling user input. • Problem-Solving Skills: Developing troubleshooting skills for common issues that may arise during coding. By the end of the class, students will have a foundational understanding of Python programming and the confidence to explore more advanced coding projects in the future.
I am Ben Blood, an experienced IT professional with over a decade of experience in software development and a dedicated volunteer leader in Cub Scouts. My extensive background in IT and programming, combined with my passion for teaching, makes me well-equipped to guide young learners through their first steps in Python programming.
•	A computer with internet access
•	Python installed (we’ll cover this in class, but it’s helpful to have it pre-installed if possible)
•	A text editor or IDE (Thonny, PyCharm, or similar)
This class involves basic programming concepts and the use of a computer. There is no content that should be upsetting or require extra safety precautions. Parental supervision is not necessary but can be helpful for younger students unfamiliar with installing software or using a computer.
Joined May, 2024
Hi there! I specialize in teaching hands-on STEM classes that focus on practical skills like soldering, electronics, and basic programming. My classes range from introductory courses on soldering and building simple electronic devices to more... 
Group Class


per class
Meets once
60 min

Live video meetings
Ages: 13-18
3-15 learners per class

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