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Footprints of the Past: Exploring Global History Through Time

April Rogers
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Footprints of the Past is an engaging and comprehensive World History course, that explores civilizations, events, and cultures to foster a deep understanding of our global heritage and its impact on the present.

Class Experience

US Grade 8 - 11
Beginner - Advanced Level
To ensure effective tutoring, the teacher suggests meeting 2x per week. Book additional recurring meetings after the initial purchase.
  • 1. Develop a comprehensive understanding of world history: Students will gain knowledge about major civilizations, events, and themes that shaped our global past, fostering a broad and interconnected perspective. 2. Analyze historical evidence critically: Students will learn to evaluate primary and secondary sources, assess their reliability and draw informed conclusions based on evidence. 3. Cultivate historical thinking: Students will practice essential skills such as contextualization, sourcing, causation, comparison, and continuity and change over time, enabling them to think like historians and analyze historical phenomena effectively. 4. Foster critical thinking and interpretation: Students will learn to question assumptions, challenge biases, and develop their own interpretations of historical events, encouraging a deeper understanding of complex historical processes. 5. Enhance reading and writing proficiency: Students will improve their reading comprehension skills by engaging with diverse texts, including primary sources, and develop effective writing skills to communicate historical analysis and arguments clearly. 6. Foster global awareness and empathy: Students will gain a broader perspective of different cultures, societies, and perspectives throughout history, promoting empathy, tolerance, and a deeper appreciation for diversity. 7. Prepare for advanced studies: The World History Project class aims to equip students with the necessary skills and knowledge to succeed in advanced high school courses, college-level work, and future academic pursuits in history and related fields.
OER Certified, Big History Project certified Teacher, World History Project certified Teacher. I hold a BA in History with minors in Women's Studies and Humanities as well as an MA in History.  My area of specialty is women's history (My studies also include the history of  Women of Color and Indigenous Women), and American (United States) history from the 1560s to the 1960s. I recently completed continuing education courses covering World History from 1200 to the present, Early European History, and Modern European History. 
In addition to the Outschool classroom, this class uses:
Parental guidance can play a crucial role in supporting students’ learning experiences in a class on the World History Project. Here are a few areas where parental guidance might be beneficial:
1.	understanding the course: parents can familiarize themselves with the objectives, structure, and content of the big history project. This understanding will enable them to better support their child's learning and engage in meaningful conversations about the course material.
2.	Monitoring progress: parents can regularly check in with their child/children to gauge their progress in the course. This can involve reviewing completed assignments, discussing challenges or areas of interest, and providing encouragement and support as needed.
3.	Time management: the Big History Project may require students to manage their time effectively to complete readings, assignments, and projects. Parents can help their child/children establish a study schedule, prioritize tasks, and ensure they allocate sufficient time for coursework alongside other commitments.
4.	Resource support: parents can assist their child in accessing and utilizing relevant resources for the course. This may involve helping them locate additional reading materials, online sources, or academic databases that can enhance their understanding of specific topics.
5.	Communication with the instructor: encouraging open lines of communication between parents, students, and the instructor can be beneficial. Parents can reach out to the instructor to address any concerns, seek clarification on assignments or expectations, or discuss their child's progress in the course.
6.	Encouraging critical thinking: parents can foster critical thinking and skills by engaging in discussions with their child/children about the course material. Encouraging them to ask questions, analyze information, and form their own opinions promotes A deeper understanding of Big History concepts.
7.	Supporting project work: the Big History Project often involves project-based learning. Parents can provide guidance and assistance to their child/children during project planning, research, and presentation stages, helping them develop their ideas and refine their work.
Remember, parental guidance should be aligned with the student's age, independence, and unique learning style. It is important to strike a balance between providing support and allowing the student to take ownership of their learning experience in the Big History Project.
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Joined June, 2017
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Hi, I'm April Rogers. I'm a proud single mom to an amazing son who is off to college this year. When I'm not cheering him on, I love to spend my hours reading and knitting with my five cats by my side. My academic pursuits brought me from the... 


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