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Drawing Horses With Character Equestrian Expressions Course

Ever dreamed of capturing the grace and power of a horse in a drawing? Now you can! In this 4-lesson online course learn the secrets to drawing horses and building your confidence as an artist!
Emily D. Albright
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What's included

4 pre-recorded lessons
average 41 mins per video
4 weeks
of teacher support
2 hrs 43 mins
total video learning hours
1 year access
to the content
Mastery Evaluation
1 hour per week. Encouragement to practice skills learned, add extras to the drawing, or take the drawing further with color or a background design!
I would love to see how each horse drawing turns out. You can send me an attachment of your artwork in the classroom after the lesson is complete. I typically see and reply to the submission within 24 hours.

Class Experience

Gallop into the World of Horse Drawing!
Unleash your inner equestrian artist with each lesson!

Are you fascinated by horses? Do you dream of capturing their grace and power on paper? Join our journey and learn to draw magnificent horses with confidence!

In this four-lesson course, your artists will learn to draw realistic horses using graphite pencils. This is a course for intermediate/advanced artists. The course will be progressive, building on the previous lesson's technique. We will start with a horse walking in a pond to get the basic feel for the horse shape, then progress to a realistic horse rearing, a full-body  Clydesdale! Finally, we will draw a realistic Colt head! I will take your student on a journey, inspire, and build confidence.

This is a self-paced course, so there is no class time for live instruction. The parent and student artist will determine the best time according to their schedule. This is great for busy or uncertain schedules and any time zone! This course allows the student to pause the program and work on their technique, details, and confidence. There is no need to rush through the class. Take your time and enjoy drawing the things you love!

In each video lesson, I demonstrate new artistic techniques and show examples of finished artwork produced with those techniques. Lessons run from 35 - 55 minutes, depending on the artists abilities and desire to add more to the lesson!
~There are no live classes, however, there will be plenty of interactions between the students and myself.
~You choose the time and day you want to attend class.
~Each class activity will be sent out for the student to complete independently.
~These lessons have all been in many of my live classes and have proven to be fun, inspiring, and even a fun challenge!
~Art classes make the perfect SELF-PACE classes as students can pause or make changes to their piece as they see fit, the lessons can be done when they fit into the day without the worry of getting behind as it's a high-interest subject kids will want to work.

In this course, students will learn that growth in a subject matter such as art comes from repetition and breaking larger, more complex drawings into simple shapes. My goal is always to make drawing less stressful and more fun, to increase students’ confidence levels, and to help them see mistakes happen and can actually be good sometimes, and that art is a great relaxation activity. After the class, I noticed so many of my students are eager to keep drawing and creating more!  It is amazing how inspired your artist becomes after they learn the proper techniques to draw. They have the tools they need to be creative and now the confidence to go and draw more!
This is not a course for written grades, but I do give feedback when asked by the students in class. I stay positive while also offering constructive advice on how they could take their project to the next level. In every lesson, I teach I encourage every artist to make the drawing their very own. So I encourage them to add some extras, draw in their own style, and let them know their art does not have to look exactly like mine! My feedback is only ever positive and encouraging! Students will leave my class feeling empowered and encouraged, and I am sure they will be eager to draw more!

This SELF-PACED course is also a great option for:
~ Traveling / vacationing periods.
~ International students.
~ Students that prefer their own pacing.
~ Younger artists want to build their skills.

Each lesson consists of video instruction and learning drawing terms and techniques.

Learners will interact with the teacher through the classroom page via chat messaging and discussions about the lesson. We do not meet live. Instead, we will correspond through messaging in the classroom.  I am available to respond during the weekdays. During my live teaching times, I will not be able to respond. I typically respond in less than 3 hours on a weekday (central time zone).

Be sure to find the course elements to facilitate the students' artwork and improve their drawing skills.
~ Example drawing supplies (.pdf)
~ Picture of each artwork

After a short introduction, I will begin the step-by-step process of drawing out our character in easy-to-follow instructions. Each step will be broken down to the simplest form by using common shapes.  My favorite is comparing shapes to food!  Like a potato or a pizza. This frees the artist to allow for imperfections in their initial sketch. I encourage artists to draw with the proper techniques I am teaching, but to make the art their very own. Use their style and develop a story to go along with their art. Once we build our character out, we will add details, texture, shading, and form to our drawing. They are encouraged to pause the lesson so that when they are inspired to take their time to practice their technique.  They have the freedom to take their time. Lessons run from 35 - 55 minutes, depending on the artist's abilities and desire to add more to the lesson!

Saddle up and unleash your creativity!

~Artists can follow step by step and ask questions. I will give feedback on the student's progress and suggestions to improve their artistic skills. Artists are also welcome to ask for help during class at any point, so they never have to worry about getting stuck. I typically see and reply to the submission within 24 hours. 

Required Supplies:
Smooth white paper 8 1/2 x 11
Pencils HB or #2 (3B is a pencil I use but not required)
Blending Stump or Q-tip

Recommended Supplies:
Drawing set

*All class times are approximate. Class length varies based on student ability. Classes are designed to run 30 - 65 minutes at most.*

Learning Goals

~Basic horse anatomy and proportions for realistic representation.
~Step-by-step drawing techniques for creating different poses and gaits.
learning goal


4 Lessons
over 4 Weeks
Lesson 1:
Horse drinking in a pond
43 mins of video lessons
Lesson 2:
Horse Rearing
44 mins of video lessons
Lesson 3:
45 mins of video lessons
Lesson 4:
31 mins of video lessons

Other Details

Parental Guidance
This is not a course for written grades, but I give feedback when the students in class ask. I stay positive while also offering constructive advice on how they could take their project to the next level. In every lesson I teach, I encourage every artist to make the drawing their very own. So I encourage them to add some extras, draw in their own style, and let them know their art does not have to look like mine! My feedback is only ever positive and encouraging! Students will leave my class feeling empowered and encouraged, and I am sure they will be eager to draw more! Learners will interact with the teacher through the classroom page via chat messaging and discussions about the lesson I will provide encouragement and positive feedback on their artwork and guide the students in classroom discussion topics.
Supply List
Realistic Drawing Class Supplies:
~ Smooth white paper 8 1/2 x 11 - see note*
~ Graphite Pencil HB, 2B, 4B, 6B
~ Erasers - plastic (white), Kneaded
~ Blending Stump** 
~ Scrap paper

Recommended Supplies:
Drawing set

*Note: you will produce better drawings with special paper labeled "Smooth or Drawing Paper." 
 **Note: to get the best results, a blending stump is recommended
 5 files available upon enrollment
External Resources
Learners will not need to use any apps or websites beyond the standard Outschool tools.
Joined December, 2020
Teacher expertise and credentials
Unleash your inner artist with drawing lessons for young creators! 
I dream of making a fun space for young people to feel safe, be creative, and build confidence!
Do you have a young artist who loves drawing:

Dragons like Toothless from HTTYD or the fierce tribes of Wings of Fire?
The brave cats of Warrior Clans or the wonders of real animals?
Maybe their imagination wants to create something entirely new!
No matter what they love to draw, I'm here to help them learn and grow!

My passion is to inspire young people to:
~Find courage and confidence in their creativity.
~Master the skills to bring their artistic visions to life.
~Have fun and enjoy the process of creating.

From basic drawing techniques to exploring different mediums, my interactive classes are designed to:
~Build confidence and self-esteem.
~Spark the imagination and fuel creativity.
~Develop essential skills like observation and problem-solving.
~Most importantly, foster a lifelong love for art!

Whether your young artist is a beginner or wants to refine their skills, I have a class for them!

My journey began with sketching as a child and working on graphic designs for T-shirts as a teen.  As an adult, I have designed and painted larger-than-life murals and now teach art classes to the public.  I currently teach weekly live worldwide art classes online.  I get in-person interaction with my local events for those in the Houston, Texas, area!  

I reside in Houston, Texas, and I am a retired homeschooled mom of three. (My last kid graduated in 2024).  And a proud U.S. Marine Mom!  When not putting my latest art onto paper, I can be found "pumping iron" at the gym with my husband of over 27 years. My family is very committed to saving animals, and our house is always full of foster animals from our local animal shelter!  Beware, you may see or hear a puppy, kitten, or guinea pig in a live class!

My passion is inspiring young people to find courage and confidence in their creations! Imagination is the doorway to being able to express yourself and be happy!
Motto: Be who you needed when you were younger.


Self-Paced Course



4 pre-recorded lessons
4 weeks of teacher support
Choose your start date
1 year of access to the content
Completed by 2 learners
Ages: 10-18

Enroll Now, Start Anytime
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