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Draw a realistic face!

Christy Boulter Art
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In this one-time class, students will learn how to draw a realistic human face. I’ll guide each child in a small group setting with step-by-step instructions to follow. Only a pencil, eraser, paper and a ruler is needed for this class.

Class Experience

Beginner - Intermediate Level
  • Students will learn how to place features on the face in their proper proportions to create a realistic sketch.
I have 30 years of experience as an artist and 10 years of experience teaching art classes from my home. I've worked in the public school system with elementary age children and also as an art tutor over Zoom.
A pencil, an eraser, a ruler and a few sheets of white paper are the only necessary tools needed for this class. If a student already has a sketchbook or drawing pencils then please encourage them to use them in class. However, just a regular pencil and white paper will also work just fine. 
Joined May, 2024
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I love to teach art to children. I believe drawing is a skill that can be taught, just like math or reading. I love to see children's faces light up when they realize they can do it!
I have taught all ages of youth but my art curriculum is geared... 
Group Class


per class
Meets once
45 min

Live video meetings
Ages: 8-12
2-10 learners per class

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