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Declaim, Recite, Hold Forth! Speech and Debate for Beginners

In this 8 week course learners will be introduced to, and learn to participate in, key forms of Speech and Debate focusing on crafting and delivering memorable speeches of power and eloquence. ESL friendly, CEFR level — B1-B2
Cindy Frank
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What's included

8 live meetings
7 hrs 20 mins in-class hours
1 hour per week. Short homework assignments will be given after each class to form a bridge to the next class. Assignments will vary from short writing assignments to watching and making notes on speech videos to outlining and then crafting original speeches. The assignments promise to be intriguing and fun and will not require more than 60 minutes a week.
As a class we are a Team and Team members support each other to do their very best. Our class will also learn to judge each others presentations using the formal judging sheets from the National Speech and Debate Association. I will be judging as well as explaining and modeling how to judge and assess presentations. Everyone gets better with positive support and constructive criticism. The idea isn't a grade, but becoming a more confident and powerful speaker!

Class Experience

US Grade 7 - 10
Beginner Level
Kindly note:
This is an ESL friendly class, CEFR  level — B1-B2 (intermediate).
Please feel free to write me via Outschool email with questions.

Communication is key! From Declamation to Oral Interpretation of Literature, Original Oratory to Extemporaneous Speaking, this introductory course will introduce learners to all of the formal competition events in the National Speech and Debate Association. Over the course of ten weeks participants will learn to recite, to debate, and to craft and deliver memorable speeches of power and eloquence. Whether the goal is to ready oneself for formal competition at the high school level or simply learn to communicate with poise and confidence, Declaim, Recite, Hold Forth!  will absolutely transform every learner into a thoughtful and confident speaker. 

Moreover this class will guide students in applying these essential skills to every aspect of their day to day lives, in the classroom and in the world. Students completing this course of study will be able to speak elegantly and thoughtfully as they will understand the power of listening closely to those around them and will be able express themselves with the same clarity on the printed page.
We will present a short general history of rhetoric from Aristotle to Churchill and utilize primary sources with a nuanced study of speeches from Cicero to Ronald Reagan, Pericles to Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., Susan B. Anthony to Bob Costas. Games and exercises will strive to expand students’ vocabulary and memory retention and we will enrich our studies utilizing the vast resources of The National Speech and Debate Association. The class will be a mixture of lecture and interactive give and take as students also learn to assess and judge each others presentations. We will be utilizing video clips of great speeches both by students and acknowledged masters of the craft. By the conclusion of this course all students will understand how to think deeply and speak skillfully and write with persuasion and power, skills that will carry them throughout their lives.  Class size is purposely limited to give individualized attention to each learner. 


We will cover:

Week 1:  Introduction to Speech and Debate/the Purposes of Speech and Debate and a Little Bit of History
This welcoming class will focus on the history of speech and debate, introduce Improvisational Speaking, explore memory techniques, and give students the opportunity to reflect on how to put their best selves forward.

Week 2:  Declamation
Explanation of Declamation -- the entry level of competitive speech where a student brings a great memorized speech to life in their own voice. The focus of this class are the skills that make for a great speaker.

Week: 3: Oral Interpretation of Literature
Utilizing both poetry and prose, this is  an interpretive event that is read from a binder.  But the key here is focusing on how competitors can transform themselves and truly connect with an audience.

Week 4: Original Oratory
We will spend two weeks focusing on Original Oratory, as students will learn how to craft and present a ten-minute persuasive speech on a subject of their choosing. 

Week 5: Extemporaneous Speaking
In this fast moving event students are presented with a choice of three questions related to current events and in 30 minutes, prepare a seven-minute speech answering the selected question.   

Week 6: Public Forum Debate
Public forum debate (PF) is a type of current events debate where students give short (2-4 minute) speeches that are interspersed with 3 minute "crossfire" sections, questions and answers between opposed debaters. 

Week 7: Public Forum Debate

Week 8: Presentations of favorite type of Speech/Debate
Choose your favorite speech creation to present--official Awards Ceremony included!

Learning Goals

Students successfully completing this course will be able to:

*understand all the basic ideas of debate and rhetoric including the five faculties of oratory, modes of persuasion (ethos, pathos, logos), general lines of argument, and tropes
*be introduced to modern forms of debate and rhetoric in areas including:
Oral Interpretation of Literature
Original Oratory
Extemporaneous Speaking
Public Forum

* to communicate effectively through speaking, thinking adroitly and responding fluently
* Be introduced to the storied history of the art of rhetoric from Aristotle to Winston Churchill
* Improve memory retention and organizational skills
* Gain confidence and poise in oral presentation
* Expand vocabulary and word usage
* To be able to write powerfully and persuasively utilizing all forms of rhetorical devices
* To craft and present original and persuasive speeches
learning goal


8 Lessons
over 8 Weeks
Lesson 1:
Introduction to Speech and Debate
 What will public speaking help you accomplish as a person and why is it important? Present your best self to the world
A brief history of public speaking
Memory tricks
homework: Marcus Aurelius Meditations Assignment Prepare mini
Declamation speech for next class 
55 mins online live lesson
Lesson 2:
 What is Declamation?
How is a Declamation speech structured?
Key speeches in time analysis
How to judge Declamation (and what that means for a speaker) Behavior as a Speech and Debate competitor
Presentation of Dec speeches
homework: Search out prose/poetry for Oral Interpretation of
55 mins online live lesson
Lesson 3:
Oral Interpretation of Literature
 What is Oral Interpretation of Literature? How is Oral Interpretation
What to watch for in an excellent performance How to expand on skills
gained in Declamation analysis of excellent performances
The Role of a judge in Oral Interp
How practicing Impromptu can enhance performance Presentation of
Oral Interp pieces
homework: The Book That Changed Me Assignment in preparation for 
55 mins online live lesson
Lesson 4:
Original Oratory
 What is original oratory? How will your knowledge of Dec and Oral
Interp impact your ability for this event?
What makes for an excellent OO Speech?
What are you judged on?
How do you construct an OO speech?
Presentation of The Book That Changed Me speeches
Homework: Choosing an OO speech topic handouts — how to work
with OO
Working on poise and gesture
Review of how to give a great OO speech Originality and the Art of
Persuasion Presentation of OO speeches 
55 mins online live lesson

Other Details

Parental Guidance
We will be watching speech videos on YouTube and other sources but will consciously steer away from contentious issues and especially provocative topics.
Supply List
Paper and pencil ever and always!  Please also have a dedicated folder for assignments.

A syllabus will be given to to each learner on the first day of class.  Written homework assignments will be provided to each learner each week.  I will provide curriculum materials for specific speeches.
External Resources
In addition to the Outschool classroom, this class uses:
*National Speech & Debate Association : Extemporanious Speaking, Public Forum, Lincoln-Douglas, Oral Interpretation of Literature, Original Oratory *The Art of Memory by Frances Yates *Rising to the Occasion by Edith Hazard & Wallace Pinfold *The Daily Stoic by Ryan Holiday and Stephen Hanselman *Meditations by Marcus Aurelius *Vocabulary Rich Articles for Students *Sentence Composing for College https://www.artofmanliness.com/articles/the-35-greatest-speeches-in-history/
Joined July, 2020
Star Educator
Teacher expertise and credentials
Bachelor's Degree from The University of Michigan, 1982 Honors in The History of Art, Does not Expire
Founder and former coach of an award-winning Speech and Debate team that competed at local, state and national levels, long-time speech judge for local, regional, national speech events for National Catholic Forensic League and National Speech and Debate Association, former teacher of high school debate and rhetoric, art history, literature, and AP Language and Composition. 


Live Group Course


for 8 classes

1x per week, 8 weeks
55 min
Completed by 91 learners
Live video meetings
Ages: 12-17
3-6 learners per class

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