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1:1 Tutoring 30Min Scratch, Python, Math, Circuits, Robotics, Lego Spike, Chess

J. Galindo
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In this 30-minute 1:1 session, students will gain knowledge in a topic of their choice whether it is electrical circuits, coding, robotics & programming or video game design. See class description on specific tutoring topics.

Class Experience

US Grade Kindergarten - 9
Beginner - Advanced Level
  • The primary goal of these tutoring sessions is to help you: - Gain a deeper understanding of the subject matter. - Clarify doubts and answer questions. - Revisit and reinforce key concepts. - Engage in interactive learning activities. - Improve your overall proficiency in the chosen topic.
Materials Requirements:

Depending on the subject we're discussing, please ensure you have the necessary materials ready:

- Circuits: If we're working on electrical circuits, have your circuit set prepared for our discussion. Message for specific Snap Circuit models.

- Robotics: For robotics sessions, make sure your robot (Codey Rocky, Mbot, Mbot2, Mbot Ranger, Dash) is charged and ready for hands-on demonstrations and troubleshooting.

- Coding: Have your coding environment and materials ready if coding is the focus of the session.
Not an official Minecraft product. Not approved or associated with Mojang.
Joined May, 2020
Teacher expertise and credentials
Master's Degree from Univeristy of Alberta
Bachelor's Degree from Oklahoma State University
Hi there! My classes are focused on STEM-related courses (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics). I want each session to be as interactive as possible with the goal of having students learn through games and activities. I teach classes... 
1-on-1 Lessons


per session
Meets on demand
30 min

Completed by 102 learners
Live video meetings
Ages: 4-17

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